Monday, December 31, 2012

Back on the Road to Boston - 7 Weeks In

After a very intensive training program for my first marathon (Boston 2012) and taking second crack at the distance at the KeyBank Vermont City Marathon, predictably my efforts on the blog dropped like a stone! Some mental and physical downtime from running was necessary. I still need to write up my Vermont experience, especially because it helps tell the story of how I'll be running Boston again in 2013 - that will appear in another entry.

A next race for me could have been the 2012 New York City marathon, after having qualified with my half marathon performances in Lowell (Baystate Marathon in October 2011: 1:27:xx) and New Bedford (in March 2012: 1:21:xx). However, with that downtime in mind, I decided not to apply. This was not without some hesitation (turning down a shot to run in a world marathon major should not be taken lightly - especially since qualifying standards are tightening).

So I resolved to maintain a basic level of running fitness over the summer and fall, and then resume training for a spring 2013 marathon (or two, if necessary to get that elusive Boston Marathon qualifying time) to be determined. I ran in a few races, a 5K and also the Yankee Homecoming 10 miler. After getting sick in August, I resumed training at about 20 miles/week. While it isn't that substantial a workload, I did keep up on intervals training - performing many of the same workouts required for the early part of my marathon training program, for example:
  • 4-5x 800m
  • 3x 1200m
  • 5x 1000m
  • 3x 8minutes
  • 5x 1200m
This training seems to have paid off in the Mill Cities Relay race, where I participated on the Greater Lowell Road Runners mens masters team by running the 2.5mi shortest leg of this 26+ mile course. I managed a steady sub-6:00/mi pace for all 3 splits (miles 1-2, and the final half mile).  One of my teammates Mike Girouard wrote a very nice event summary here.

So beginning the week of November 12th I started a marathon program in earnest. Here is a summary of the weekly workload since that starting point.

My graph
I am very hopeful for how I will perform in Boston in 2013, especially since I feel I have some unfinished business. 15 weeks to go...

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