The training plan this week was pretty ambitious, upping the mileage and with track/tempo, a proper hill workout, and a 16 miler as the signature run (with a spontaneous detour onto a trail for 1.5 miles)! Unfortunately the constant has been getting barely enough sleep - an issue when you go running around 5:15 a.m.
My left knee has been sore and so I've been monitoring it and worrying about it during every run. I wonder if the issue is that my running shoes have ~600 miles on them. Here's what I've been running in since July - New Balance trail shoes
New Balance MT915 grey (
So I bought the same model, but took it up a notch on the style point scale and got the black and red/orange model:
New Balance MT915 black/red
Now these kind of felt like a Cadillac compared to the old ones, so I decided to break them in on the 16 miler. I like how these are lightweight, my top concern when buying shoes.
38.5, maybe 42+ total, depending on Sunday/tomorrow
M: 4.4mi, 31 min, 7:03/mi pace
T: 5.7mi, warmup, 4X 800 meters about 6:00-6:10/mi pace, cooldown
W: 7 mi, 7:30/mi for first 4, then ~7:00/mi final 2mi
T: 5.3 mi, "Mr. Porter's world famous hill work" named after a road in the area - 8X {60 sec "up" + easy jog to base of hill}
F: off
S: 16 mi with increasing pace progressions
Plan: first 6mi 7:45-8:00/mi, next 5mi 7:30-7:45, final 5mi 7:15-7:30
Reality: phase 1 yes, phase 2 mostly (trail miles slower) phase 3 fast (7:08, 7:07, 6:54, 6:52)
S: 4mi (planned)
Summary through 3 weeks of training for Boston:
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