Sunday, March 3, 2013

Boston Weeks 8 & 7 Training Recap Feb 18 - Mar 03

Week 8 split between Boston and warm sunny Florida! 45 miles. Cut out a run from the plan and shaved off a few miles on some others. Overall kept the workload intact even while taking a vacation break.

M: 4.28mi in 30 minutes - in the Saucony Kinvara 3, marathon race day shoes
T: 7.7mi tot - also in Kinvara 3 - 1.5mi w/u, 22x {200m, 45 sec recovery}: 39-48 sec per 200m
W/Fla: 6.7mi tot: 6mi in 40:44 with mid miles ~6:40, 6x 150m strides (28-30 sec per)
T: 10mi tempo: felt good and went with it. 7:21 mile 1, then 2-10 in 6:55-7:10/mi pace
F: off
S: 12+ tot: 9mi w/u in 1:07:31, then Run For Life 5K in 18:44 (6:03/mi average pace) including 2nd place overall finish! I ventured from my 15mi workout plan and decided to take advantage of this opportunity to run a 5K close by where we stayed on vacation. Met some very nice people after the race and heard inspiring stories from families representing organ donors and recipients. From my workout log:

Started out a few feet back of the line, not sure how fast or slow the field would be since I was on vacation and didn't know anyone here. I quickly realized there would be a very small lead pack but I was caught up behind some runners at the start and noticed the leaders jumping right out to their lead. After turning the corner into the main, wider street I moved around the crowd to go catch up with the pack. The race leader had already established a big gap and it was clear he was going to run away with it. I settled in and concentrated on my effort level and also kept an eye on the 2nd place runner who was significantly ahead of me but not by more than 50 yards. It took the entire loop around the golf course (2.9 mi) before I finally caught up to him and passed him as we re-entered the parking lot area and approached the finishing chute. After passing him I immediately let up since I was pretty tired, then heard his breathing right behind my shoulder. So I gave it one last push to make sure I wouldn't relinquish my hard fought position

S: 4.05mi in 27:50

Week 7 Florida then back home. 55 miles.

M: 8mi tot, 1.6mi w/up, then 3x {8 min tempo, 3:00 recovery}, 1.5mi c/d. Tempo interval paces were 6:28/mi, 6:24, 6:34
T: off
W/Bos: 11mi in 1:16:25, sub-7:00/mi pace for the workout. Wanted to go slower, but after 2 miles things just clicked and I went with it the rest of the way, basically a 9mi marathon pace run. Longest run in the Kinvara 3 shoes that are different (4mm heel to toe drop) than my New Balance M890 v2 shoes (8mm). My legs definitely felt tight afterward. My strategy is to incorporate the race day shoes into different distance and effort workouts, about 1-2 times per week. Soon I'll have to incorporate on long runs.
T/AM: 10.4mi tot: 9mi + 6x 30sec hill sprints. This one was supposed to be 7mi + hills but training partner Joe Loureiro and I took our usual mid week longer course that we enjoy.
T/PM: basketball, and XT while sitting out on game substitutions (3 rounds of burpees[10],  sit ups[30], push ups[20], lunges[10/leg], squats[25], leg swings).
F: off
S: 21.5 in 2:33:21, 7:08/mi (96% of goal marathon pace) - from my workout log entry:
Long run with Joe Loureiro. We did a combination of Joe's planned 17 miler and my plan that was a goal of up to 25mi at 90-95% of goal marathon pace (6:52/mi) - i.e., 7:12 - 7:36/mi pace. First portion of the run was right up there at 95+% or some miles in the middle of that range. Then after the first 14 mile loop we did a 5 mile loop with the idea that we would break up the remaining distance (whatever it would turn out to be) into smaller chunks rather than commit to a long 2nd loop. Here, it seems like we were going more at a marathon pace or in some cases a bit faster! Joe finished up at 20.5 mi distance and I went for another short loop in the neighborhood and came back to our usual finish line area. I knew that once I came back there I was going to call it a day, even though I could have gone a bit further. Solid work today that should give me confidence as we approach Marathon Monday in Boston. 

S: 4mi planned (now that I've said it publicly I guess I should go get that final workout of the week done!)

Summary with 16 weeks done, and 6 weeks to go to Boston:

My graph

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