Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Boston Marathon Recap

The following is an expanded recap, adapted from a facebook post I wrote last night after the Boston Marathon.
I finished the Boston Marathon today in 3:59:23. This was a battle against the heat right from the start. The temperature eventually reached 88 degrees F by the time this one was over. My first 10K was fine, then it went downhill, then very very downhill. By mile 18-19 in Newton I knew my family was going to be cheering me on from a home in that area. I kept thinking back to the way my kids would use a garden hose to cool me off after mid-day track workouts in summers past and how badly I wanted to cool down. I was thinking about sitting on the grass and getting my kids to hose me down for 5 minutes straight. But that of course would have been the path to quitting, and we just don't go for that! I saw my family, and also a coworker Arnold at that spot. Next up was Heartbreak Hill. To this point in the race I had not stopped/walked and I drew a line in the sand - I would absolutely not walk at any point on Heartbreak. I saw another friend Brian Banks on the hill who called out my name as I ran by. I gave a point back in his direction to acknowledge his wonderful support. After the hill I did spend some time walking, eating ice chips, orange slices and popsicles kindly offered by race volunteers and spectators. The final 1.5 miles were done as a proper run so I could soak in the experience of the incredible crowd support and take those memories with me without focusing on the walking so much. As I made the left turn from Hereford onto Boylston St., the final stretch, I raised my arm in the air knowing it was just a few hundred yards left. I could see the finishing area and knew it would be close to get under 4 hours.
My goal would have been to finish in under 3:00:00, an audacious goal. But there are so many good things to take out of this. Here are just a few:
  • First of all I am now a FINISHER, period. First marathon, in the Big Kahuna. No messing around. It's about going for BIG goals.
  • My wife Danielle and mother in law Linda Friel & children supported me all the way and cheered me on in Newton with some awesome signs - "No Quit!"
  • My Mom&Dad, brother Jon Cain and sister in law Colleen Locke course-hopped and found me in Ashland, Natick, and Comm. Ave. after Kenmore Square, and had a cool sign too to help me find them. These guys have had my back on this project from the beginning and support me so much.
  • I am incredibly proud of the work our training group including Joe Loureiro and Will Swenson put in over the last 22 weeks to be ready for today. We did not get the best draw with the weather but we have got to be proud of the whole body of work - the incredible discipline (5:15 a.m. runs), training execution, solid race results, and masterpiece of a training plan we followed (contributed by none other than our leader Joe).
  • We raised well over $4000 for American Red Cross of Eastern Massachusetts in the process, putting food on tables of families in need, assisting those burned out of their homes, and much more. 
  • And I got to see so many words of encouragement by text, facebook and twitter today. I'm catching up on all of them now after an exhausting day! Thanks guys! 

Here is a video and just a few photos. The video includes some of my teammates explaining why they ran, and is posted on the American Red Cross of Eastern Massachusetts wordpress blog. I strongly encourage you to subscribe to it!

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