I'm thinking about mixing in some new content with the steady stream of training recaps as we get toward marathon day, stay tuned for some "team sport reports". As if I don't have enough going on :-)
M: 5mi in 36:26. This was the day after New Bedford Half Marathon. My mindset was that it was an achievement just getting out the door.
T/a.m.: 7.6mi: 1.25mi warmup, then 20x 400m at 5K to 10K pace (planned), ran a bit slower than that at first and built up to faster intervals by the end, then 1.5mi cooldown
T/p.m.: 2.5mi super easy 28:05 with my 10 year old daughter who asked to go out on a run with me. She wants to run a 5K road race coming up soon and asked for me to help her get ready! A very nice relaxing run and conversation with her.
W: 12.2mi in 1:29:43. This is the second to last 12 mile mid-week longer run of the training program before taper time! Thank goodness, these are a real project, starting even earlier than usual at 05:00 to be done at a reasonable time.
T: 7.5mi tot: 6.8mi in 47:55, followed by 6x 150m strides
F: off
S: 22K total. 2K warmup, 10 alternations of 1K@6:34 + 1K@7:07/mi pace (plan). Had foot pain in the later part of the workout and decided to slow down and cut short just slightly the overall workout. Here are the paces (min/mi) for each of the alternations:
- 6:32/mi, 7:10/mi
- 6:26, 7:06
- 6:23, 6:58
- 6:32, 7:00
- 6:40, 7:06
- 6:45, 6:55
- 6:22, 6:45
- 6:29, 7:32 <--- Pain here in that 6:29/mi 1K interval
- 6:47, 7:57
- 6:40, 7:43
11 hours on a plane trip to California preceded this effort. I think being cooped up in a plane so long made me feel obligated to get out there and hit it harder than usual.